
Qiushi Pan and Yuki Ohba entered the doctoral program.
“Development of a new attention mechanism learning model by analysis of brain synchronous activity” was accepted for a research grant for 2022 by the G7 Scholarship Foundation.
Master’s thesis final presentation was held.
“Development of a novel attention mechanism through mathematical analysis of synchronous activity in the brain,” was accepted for a research grant for 2021 by the G7 Scholarship Foundation.
Master’s thesis final presentation was held.
2019 Research and Development Grant from the Shimadzu Science and Technology Foundation was awarded.
“An Introduction to Bayesian Statistics and Machine Learning” (Asakura Publishing Co., Ltd.) was published.
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Fostering International Joint Research (A) “Sparse encoding and nonlinear extension of dictionary learning to clarify the encoding method of motion signals” was accepted.